Mi 2008 en peliculas (..y contando)
Las siguientes fueron mi listado de peliculas que durante este año vi:
- "Chronicles of Narnia 2"
- "Australia"
- "The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button"
- "The Dark Knight"
- "Fireproof""
- "The Happening"
- "Incredible Hulk 2008"
- "Indiana Jones 4"
- "Journey To The Center of the Earth 3D"
- "Jumper"
- "Max Payne"
- "Quantum of Solace"
- "Quarantine"
- "Rambo 4"
- "Shutter"
- "Speed Racer"
- "Star Wars: Clone Wars"
- "X Files 2 The Movie"
- "The Day the Earth Stood Still"
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